Summary of Methodological Regulations for Fire Protecion Units

The Czech Association of Fire Officers, z.s., in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic - General Directorate of the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic and with the Fire Brigade of the Olomouc Region, regularly produces a "Summary of methodological regulations for the activities of fire protection units" as part of professional training.

This database contains an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of regulations in the field of Training and Fighting Regulations, Professional Services Regulations, Training Summaries, type activities and other methodologies for the activities of firefighters at the scene of intervention.

All files are uniformly processed with the possibility of downloading them in PDF document format.

The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic - General Directorate of the Fire Service of the Czech Republic has long supported this project through a grant. The summary is also available on the website

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